INDIE airbag belt
Keep you moving in complete safety

INDIE airbag belt offers a cutting-edge solution to prevent femoral neck fractures against injuries related to lateral fall.

Explore how our innovative technology ensures safety and preserves peace of mind for your loved ones, whatever the user’s lifestyle.

INDIE airbag belt operation: hip protection and instant alerts


Real-time motion analysis


Detecting a loss of balance


Instant triggering of the airbag to cushion the impact and reduce the risk of fracturing the upper end of the femur.


Automatic SMS alert sent to key contacts.

Experience the latest in technology !

  • Multi-certified medical device (CE marking Class 1, ISO 13435 medical standards…)
  • 2 patents filed for the airbag belt
Advanced belt functions

Independence, home support, active social life : the benefits of the INDIE airbag belt

Discover how our innovative medical device ensures safety and preserves peace of mind, regardless of the user’s lifestyle :

Preserve independance and freedom of movement by reducing the risk of hip fracture in the event of a fall.

Helps seniors and people undergoing post-operative rehabilitation to remain independent in their own homes.

Encourage an active social life and participation in various activities, restoring the confidence needed to walk safely.

Enhanced well-being, reduced risks : the benefits of the INDIE airbag belt

The INDIE airbag belt provides much more than just physical protection.

A person who has fallen may develop a series of symptoms, both physical and psychological, known as post-fall syndrome.

The belt prevents and reduces the risk of hospitalisation by ensuring greater safety when travelling.

Wearing an INDIE belt is one way of preventing this syndrome, which can lead to a phobia of walking, reducing activity and mobility.

The belt restores the user’s confidence in everyday movements.

The belt contributes to mental well-being by reducing the fears associated with falls and enabling its users to lead more active and fulfilling lives.

The belt improves the quality of life of users and their carers by offering a comprehensive and effective solution to prevent the risk of falls.

Our distributors and sales partners in France.

Our products are available from a wide range of professional sales outlets.

Healthcare professionals: an effective medical device to support your activity

Are you committed to the day-to-day well-being of your patients? 

Offer them proactive protection against the risks of lateral and posterolateral falls.

Join our  professionals network

Prescribe a preventive solution now, designed to improve your patients’ quality of life while ensuring their safety.

Medical and social establishement

Are you looking to improve your image and that of your residents and their families, while increasing your establishment’s occupancy rate ?

We offer a complete solution to meet your needs. 

Medical equipment retailers

How can you stand out in a constantly evolving sector ? Are customer service and stock management at the heart of your concerns ?

Find out how we can strengthen your offering and set you apart in the medical equipment sector !

Personal and home care services companies

You’re looking for solutions to maintain your relationship with your beneficiaries and prevent them moving to an establishment following fractures.

Take advantage of a comprehensive solution to guarantee safety and mobility in the patient’s home, while ensuring effective coordination with other healthcare professionals.

Find out what users, carers and healthcare professionals have to say about the INDIE airbag belt.

Our beneficiaries and partners all have their own experiences to share. Read their stories.

Nurse coordinator

Residents who volunteered or gave their consent via their legal representative were fitted with the INDIE airbag belt and informed of the device’s specific features. Healthcare professionals have been trained to support its deployment. We’ve already had very positive feedback from the people concerned, who feel more confident in their movements.
Etablissement Notre Dame, Fondation Saint Joseph – Sandra Pelletier

INDIE user

I use my INDIE belt to move around outside my home with complete peace of mind, without being stigmatised.
Françoise 85 years old

Orthopaedic surgeon

Everything that can be envisaged to try and prevent a fracture […] once the fall has started and the patient is against the ground, once we have done what is medically necessary to strengthen the bone, if we can’t strengthen it with medication, we have to try and strengthen it with external support, and I think that’s the beauty of this project.
Professor Argenson

INDIE user

The INDIE belt allows me to continue living a normal life like someone my own age.
David 50 years old

CPTS representative Itinéraire santé

We specialise in supporting seniors and elderly people who are losing their independence, both at home and out and about. The belt has its place in the various products we can offer them, so that’s why we find this product so interesting.
Mathias Gay

INDIE user

I wear the INDIE belt in my garden and on short trips.
Louise 80 years old

INDIE user

I’d rather use the INDIE belt than my walking stick when I’m at home. I wear it from the moment I wake up until I go to bed.
Roger 70 years old